Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Gaming & Enterteinment
Gaming & Enterteinment
IT development is crucial for enhancing the gaming and entertainment industry, offering immersive experiences and innovative technologies.
Information Technology
Information Technology
The progress of technology, enhancement of communication and productivity across industries rely on the critical role of IT development.
Retail & Distribution
Retail & Distribution
Effective inventory control, supply chain optimization, customer engagement, and data-driven decision making are key benefits of IT development in Retail & Distribution.
Business & Finance
Business & Finance
IT advancement plays a vital role in enhancing efficiency, precision, and data handling for informed decision-making in business and finance.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology
The significance of IT development in blockchain technology lies in its ability to establish and uphold safe, distributed digital systems.
// about company

Your Partner for
Development, Bussiness grow & Consulting

Mangusta offers a range of IT development services for businesses of all sizes, including IT development, business consulting, innovative solutions for startups, blockchain development, mobile, and web development. Taking a customized approach to each project and working closely with clients to develop tailored solutions that leverage the latest technologies and trends. Mangusta emphasizes agile methodologies, security and data privacy, flexibility, cutting-edge technologies, collaboration with clients, and post-launch support and maintenance services.

// our service

We provide an extensive
range of services

Custom Service Development
We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy.
Outsoursing & Consulting
We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy.
Business Development
// case studies

Introduce Our Projects

Software development outsourcing is just a tool to achieve business goals. But there is no way
to get worthwhile results without cooperation and trust between a client company.


We Deliver Solution with
the Goal of Trusting Relationships